I have absolutely no luck when it comes to drawings like these, but on the drive home, it got me thinking about how much luck I actually have in other aspects of my life. I've got a strong support system, a full time job, and an able, healthy body and mind that allows me to function every day. I'm really trying not to complain or sweat the small things that bug me, though I can be fairly dramatic at times. Lately I try to tell myself the Maya Angelou quote over and over again until it sticks: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." When I'm driving in the rain and people are driving like brainless zombies, I can still put on my favorite tunes and appreciate the fact that I own my car and don't have to take the bus. When I have tons of pans and dishes to wash after dinner, I remember that at that exact moment, people are struggling to put together a meal for themselves or their families, and many others are going to bed on an empty stomach. When I'm frustrated at my job, I think about how lucky I was to find a teaching job right after graduation, during a time that's extremely difficult to be a teacher in public education.
I wish I could say that I'm always thinking like this, but the truth is that this is a skill I'm beginning to develop and hone. Much like eating healthier and keeping up my exercising regimen, it's something I have to keep pushing forward with because results don't just appear overnight. But I've noticed that little by little, the things that used to bring me down are now opportunities to overcome because I've got the willpower and the physical abilities to overcome them.
I hope you're still on track with whatever resolutions or goals you made for yourself; remember that if you can walk, breathe, talk, and think without needing assistance, you're far more lucky than you can imagine. There are a lot of things that we might blame and say are against us, but at the end of the day, it's really just you that can get you to where you want to be.
Oh, and wish me luck on my lotto ticket..... though, I guess I don't really need it.
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