Dear 2017: Let there be love.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

At the beginning of 2016 I wrote a post about the inner-work goals that I set for myself. They were:

"Forgive, forgive, forgive, starting with myself.
Face the things I fear and trust that everything will be all right in the end.
Do whatever I need in order to be happy and not give a fuck about what other people might think.
Cut off anything and anyone that is a constant struggle in my life.
Let my family and friends know how much I appreciate having their love and support.
Boldly, colorfully, and fearlessly live and enjoy my life and the gifts I've received from the Universe."

While this indeed was one of the most challenging years I've faced in a while, every hardship I went through allowed me to attain every single goal I had made for myself. 

If you haven't realized it yet, whatever you put your focus, time and energy into is what you will end up with. Whether they're healthy and productive projects that bring happiness and compassion into your life, or vindictive and demeaning endeavors that bring you suffering, it is up to you to choose what you dedicate yourself to.

I firmly believe we are born with an innate power--some more than others--that can be seen in the way we choose to face adversity, loss, and love. Although we can't exactly control what happens to us daily, we can control the way we react (or choose not to react) in certain situations. I used to wish for everything to be perfect all the time, but now I simply wish for wisdom. I've learned that not everything needs to be addressed in the moment, while at other times we need to ask questions immediately for clarification so as to avoid incorrect assumptions and unnecessary suffering. I am far from mastering this wholly, but the beauty is that every difficult moment in life essentially allows me to keep practicing that same wisdom that I keep searching for... all the while realizing it's been within me the whole time. Life truly is precious and divine for giving us exactly what we need at any given moment; it's really just on us to be aware of all that we are blessed with, both internally and externally.

I am also aware that letting go of control and allowing things (and people) be what they are is easier said than done. It can get so frustrating when something doesn't turn out the way you want it to, or when something you thought you were prepared for ends up being more challenging than expected, but we have to take risks sometimes. For the sake of self-growth and progress as human beings, we have to keep stepping out of our comfort zones and tackling the issues and conversations that seem too painful to have. Like a wound that hurts when we cleanse it so that it can heal, this pain isn't really anything bad--it is just your higher power telling you that you're growing, and you're exactly where you need to be in order to become even stronger.

In tracking my progress and self-awareness, I realize that my own path will always fluctuate, just like life itself. This is because we are life, and every moment we have to live is ours to learn or run from. If we outgrow others or if certain people aren't on our same evolutionary frequency anymore, we can only hold onto them for so long until we accept our different paths and let them go. It hurts so much at times, but that's because we attach ourselves onto things and people without realizing the damage we're actually doing to ourselves. That's why it's crucial to trust and be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and accept yourself as you are, because you are love itself.

I wish you pure love and light in 2017, and in all your years to come.
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